Sunday, August 15, 2010

That's My King!!

I really want to write about this weekend because so much happened... but this video (see end of post) kind of summarizes it. Dr. S. M. Lockridge's "That's My King" just really brings glory to God and shows His overwhelming goodness and faithfulness. And I guess you could say that is my overwhelming response to this weekend. I have really been floored by an outpouring of the goodness of God. I have beheld a ton of His glory and honestly feel a bit blinded by it.

In a nutshell, this was Mindy (formerly Booher!) Hays' wedding (married to Robert Hays). The wedding itself was beautiful and so glorifying to God, as were all of the events surrounding it. The theme of the weekend seemed to be "remember." Remember all of the faithfulness of the Lord in my life and in the lives of my two best friends. (We even sang a song in church today that basically talked about remembering what God has done in our lives in the past).

It was a really incredible yet draining weekend, as I also was blessed to see my great aunt, probably for the last time on earth. That was a difficult, yet at the same time very comforting experience. It's hard to explain to those who do not share the hope of haven, but for those who long to be with Christ, you can understand how I can "grieve with hope," knowing that Aunt Georgie will soon be saved from pain and be transformed by her Maker... and in His very presence, face to face!

Oddly enough then, most of the tears of this weekend were "happy tears" (a girl thing, I know). Crista (My best friend and travel buddy) and I decided that we came home from this weekend completely exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally... but charged spiritually! So overall just a very good time. :-)

More details to follow?

Oh, and here's the video:

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