Thursday, April 11, 2013

If You're Happy and You Know It... Sing a Psalm!

"Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms." James 5:13

I used to assume that the above verse was just simply referring to the believer's expression of joy, but after having tried this practice yesterday, I realized more about why we are to sing psalms, or "songs of praise" to the Lord.

1) To direct and focus our happiness on what is important; namely, what God has done! Praise focuses us on God's works of Creation, Redemption, and, one day, full consummation!

2) Related to the above point, singing psalms involves retraining our minds to focus on what God says should make us most happy. Jesus similarly challenged the disciples when they were rejoicing (even in a ministry context!): "Do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven!" (Luke 10:20)

3) Focusing our minds on Christ when we are happy also helps to curb any wrong happiness! If we are excited over the progress of a bad relationship, a witty insult, ill-gotten gain, or any other sinful thing, singing to and about God will be a means of conviction.

4) Singing psalms is a way of reminding ourselves that "every good and perfect gift comes from above" (James 1:17). When we are feeling particularly happy with our circumstances, it is appropriate to thank God! All blessings are from Him!

5) Singing psalms helps us to remember those suffering and in sin, so that we may not be merely unbalanced escapists in our happiness. Instead, we train our hearts and minds to be sober and considerate of others, even in the midst of any great excitement that we might feel.

I'm sure that many other benefits may be gleaned from a study on the subject, but I just thought that I'd share some of my initial observations. So here is my challenge you:

The next time that you are happy, don't just stand there: sing!

Monday, April 8, 2013


Well, updates have never been my strong point, but I'm back into the swing of trying.  I have taken a bit of a sabbatical, going way off the grid, and allowing all updates to pretty much disappear.  But I'm back now.

I think.

I hope.

I am the midst of learning how to balance being a student, but also being ministry- and missions-minded.  I realize that a part of that latter role requires updating the people who surround me; showering me with love, prayers, and financial support; and making my work possible!

Thank you to all of you for your patience with my long silence.  Please bear with my weaknesses as I attempt to start this path again!