Friday, September 24, 2010

Resting in God's Faithfulness

A typical American mindset is to want everything to be planned out ahead of time… and then to occur on time. However, the prevailing message of the Bible is to go first, and then to see where God is leading. Abram was told to leave before he was told where he would end up. He was later tested when God told him to sacrifice his promised son, his heir. Instead of wavering, laying other plans, or reminding God that they had made a deal, Abraham simply went where he was told to go and did what he was told to do. So many times God just gives us enough light to see the next step. And American or otherwise, our job is to step out in faith and believe that God is sovereign and knows what He’s doing.

This is on my mind a lot after the retreat because I was just reminded there that the next few days (and certainly the year!) will be very uncertain. I won’t meet my host family or see the house till tomorrow. I meet with my ministry leaders on Monday. There are a lot of variables between here and there, a lot of schedule changes that will take place, a lot of doubts, and a lot of misunderstandings. Just like Abraham had, I’m sure. However, what I know to be true is that I can look back on God’s faithfulness and say with confidence that He knows what He is doing… and that I can safely trust Him with my life, my future, and even something as trivial as my schedule. A week ago at this time I was at our church surrounded in prayer by fellow believers. At that point I only knew three of the 7 Americans with whom I would share my experiences in Mexico this year. But God had been drawing them here for a long time before that, as I found out over the past few days. What sweet times we had testifying to His faithfulness! What joy as we looked back over uncertainties of our past and saw the fingerprints all over them! What strength we drew to face an uncertain next few days.

I know you want updates. You are mostly Americans and that’s the way we’re wired, for better or for worse. However, I don’t have concrete details to share at this point. Instead, rejoice with me over the goodness that God has shown to me in shedding some light on my time here already:

--At the retreat I began to really get to know some quality people (Buena gente, as we say here) and am blessed to be working with them this year. I will have the inbuilt additional fellowship of my roommate Ashley and look forward to common experiences with her.

-- God has provided wonderfully financially for this trip and I am able to focus on the Lord, other people and my ministry while I’m down here, rather than spending my time worrying about funding.

-- God promises to go with us wherever we are, so I can trust Him that He will be with me in this new phase just as He was in the past!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


If your freshly cooked meals include tantalizing lime spritzed over everything ,

If you fall asleep to the white noise of engines and can hear a full melodic range of car horns at any time of the day,

If your apartment feels like it is experiencing minor earthquake tremor whenever a heavy truck rolls by,

If your sense of sight is delighted by festive colors decking the simplest of storefronts,

If at midnight you are visiting with friends in a tiny restaurant over tacos al pastor,

If people are more important than schedules and chatting over coffee is a sacred hour,

If the pleasant cadence of Spanish can convey meaning that your own native language just can’t verbalize,

If on your first meeting with an hermano or hermana in Christ you feel like you have known them all your life,

If God is doing big things in a big city and you are thrilled to be just a little part of it,

You might be in Mexico City.

I know I am.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Give Me Your Eyes

To those of you who were wondering what "Dame Tus Ojos" meant... of those of you who understood the translation but wanted the thinking behind it, this post is for you!

The inspiration comes from a song by the Christian Latino musician Jesus Adrian Romero. The song (Dame Tus Ojos) translates "Give Me Your Eyes" and reflects the desire that God would so instill in us his own desires and to see the way that He views the world. Here is the song with it's translation. I think it pretty much speaks for itself... but I'll comment a bit more afterwards anyway.

Dame Tus Ojos (Give Me Your Eyes)

Dame tus ojos, quiero ver. (Give me Your eyes, I want to see)

Dame tus palabras, quiero hablar. (Give me Your words, I want to speak)

Dame tu parecer. (Give me Your likeness)

Dame tus pies, yo quiero ir. (Give me Your feet, I want to go)

Dame tus deseos para senti
r. (Give me Your desires to feel)

Dame tu parecer. (Give me Your likeness)


Dame lo que necesito (Give me whatever I need)

Para ser como tu. (To be like You)


Dame tu voz, dame tu aliento. (Give me Your voice, Give me Your breath)

Toma mi tiempo, es para ti. (Take my time, It's for You)

Dame el camino que debo seguir. (Give me the path that I should follow)

Dame tus sueƱos, tus anhelos. (Give me Your dreams, Your longings)

Tus pensamientos, tu sentir. (Your thoughts, Your feelings)

Dame tu vida para vivir. (Give me Your life to live)

Dejame ver lo que tu ves. (Allow me to see what You see)

Dame de tu gracia, tu poder. (Give me Your grace, Your power)

Dame tu corazon. (Give me Your heart)

Dejame ver en tu interior. (Allow me to see inside You)

Para ser cambiado por tu amor. (So that I might be changed by Your love)

Dame tu corazon. (Give me Your heart)


This song (and theme for my blog) is really important to me because it illustrates so well the mindset that I want to have while in Mexico and in ministry in general. It is very easy for me to fall into a rut of loving my own plans and desires too much or of allowing myself to see things from a purely human perspective... and to the casual observer I might seem to be living a decent Christ-pleasing life. However, my goal is not to pass uncensored the tests of the "casual observer," but rather to truly see the world as God sees it and to respond accordingly.

Please pray with me to that end! Dios, dame tus ojos!

If you have Facebook, you can read more of my musings on this song from last summer here:!/note.phpnote_id=109855012789&comments

Friday, September 10, 2010

It's official, it's in!

Well, everyone, for those of you following my Mexico journey, an giant milestone has been met: My support for the first two months is definatively in... and I am officially cleared to go down on the 20th... just over a week! :-)
Thank you all for your prayer and support! I have been so blessed by the interest you have shown and by knowing that you are praying for me! I would appreciate your prayer in a few different areas:

--Please pray that I would be humble and teachable as God continues to broaden my vision of missions and teach me how to think longer term in missions.

--Please pray for all of the details of packing that I need to finish and just loose ends that need to be wrapped up before I head to Mexico.

--Please pray that in the upheaval of moving to Mexico and a total change of pace that I would remain close to God... and that I would be patient and gracious in the transition.

Thanks so much to all of you for the role you are playing in this process! I could not do this without your support!


P.S. If you are interested in supporting me throughout the year either in prayer or financially, let me know!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Sophie Scholl

No puedo contener mis sentimientos... ni desafortunadamente, puedo explicar adecuadamente los pensamientos que los causan. Por eso escribo en espanol.

Al ver una pelicula como Sophie Scholl, toda mi vida diaria parece sin sentido, frivola. Aplicar la maquillaje;practicar guitarra; disfrutar del jardin, la naturaleza; pasar tiempo charlando con amigos; beber cafe... que hago durante un dia que merece el sacrificio de vivir en libertad, sin temor? Tomo por dado la justicia, la seguridad, libertad de todo! Derecho de hablar libremente, de reunir, de religion, etc.

Tendria tal valor como Sophia? De oponer la injusticia, las mentiras? Aferrarse de la verdad al punto de perder su propia vida?

Ojala que pudiera expresar mis pensamientos... pero me encuentro con la mente espesa, afectada por la niebla de mis emociones.

Siento tambien que no esta escrito en ingles... pero no seria mucho mas comprensible asi de todos modos...

Que vean esta pelicula increible... y que se cambien por verla.