Sunday, August 3, 2014

Things I Love About Mexico

People always ask me what I love most about Mexico, or what I'll miss most.  So here's a little list for you:

1.  My Mexican family (families!).  As part of Avance, we live with Mexican families.  This is such a priceless gift, I cannot even begin to describe it!  This practice of Avance has the pragmatic effect of allowing participants to learn the language and culture at a much faster rate in an immersion setting.  However, it is so much more than that.  When away from my own dear, precious family, I have lived in homes with adoptive parents and siblings, who have welcomed me in, despite huge cultural and communication obstacles.  They have loved me and accepted me, allowing me to join into their daily lives.  I have spent many an evening talking, praying, laughing, and crying with these families.  My families.  This is undoubtedly the part of Mexico that I will miss the most.  Every time.

2.  My friends.  My friends come from all different areas.  Some are Avance missionaries, short and long term.  Others are friends from Bible studies, English classes, my mentoring group, or church.  Whatever the relationship, these are people who have sharpened me.  People with whom I have eaten tacos into all hours of the night; sharing deep spiritual growth sometimes, merely learning new idioms other times!

3. The food.  Ok, ok, you had to know that this was coming.  But seriously, unless you have been to Mexico City, you cannot even understand the extent of this one.  Food in the DF makes all other food seem like cardboard by comparison.  It's also WAY cheaper, generally.  Sigh.  To prove this to you, I will try to make food for as many takers as I can when I get home.  Then you will begin to get a glimpse.  

Ok, I will try to add more to this list at a future date, when it is not 12:30 AM, but this is just a quick introduction for now.  If your curiosity is piqued by any of these, let me know.  I could really go on for hours, sharing personal anecdotes about each of the loved ones who was on my mind as I was writing this.  I can also cook a lot more Mexican food than ever before after this summer, so you should also try to get in on that action.  :-)