Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Gratitude Challenge: Days 11-20

November 11 -- I thank God for the pain of goodbyes, because they make me treasure my loved ones even more!

November 12 -- I thank God for plans that fall through and situations that seem like a disaster ... because God's plans are always better than my plans. Just as He has always been faithful in the past, He will continue to be faithful in the future!

November 13 -- I thank God that His standards of "what is good" don't have to line up with ours. He so often blesses us in ways that we do not understand and may even interpret as a very bad result. Still, "in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (Rom. 8:28)

November 14 -- I thank God for time spent in public transportation, because, in a sense, it slows down the pace of life. It takes so much longer to get things done, that I feel a sense of peace and rest in knowing that it can’t all be done in a day. This is actually a very nice change, compared to the frantic pace that life can sometimes take in the States.

November 15 -- I thank God when I am stuck behind slow people because it means that I am physically healthy enough to be faster than they are. There was a time when I wasn’t. There was a time when I would look longingly at the senior from my church and envy them as they seemed to bound up the stairs while I was hobbling. There was a time that I would have to sit and rest after walking for 1 minute. Praise God that I can now walk quickly! May I have grace and compassion with others who cannot.

November 16: Faith is not the belief that God will do what you WANT; It is the belief that God will do what is RIGHT! -- Max Lucado

November 17: I thank God that He allows us to make mistakes. While they are embarrassing and sometimes painful, they are also often some of the best lessons that I have learned.

November 18: I thank God for scars. (For more on this, see my post about "Scars and Thankfulness.")

November 19 -- I thank God for my weaknesses, because His strength is made perfect in my weakness. My weakness draws me close to Him, and that is the greatest gift that anyone can have – to see their need of God!

November 20 -- I thank God for my constantly dripping sink because the pitcher under it reminds me to water my plants. My plants are also thankful for this arrangement.

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