Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Kidzone Extreme-- Sacrificial Love

As soon as I published the last post I realized that I should probably say more about camp last week, too. One thing that really stood out to me the whole week was just the total service mind that you have to have to be a camp counselor. We must have taken the kids to the bathroom 20 times a day, we refilled their drinks at meals, we played and cheered louder than they at games, but then gave them piggy-back rides when they were tired. We allowed our lives and schedules to revolve around those kids because we considered their good to be more important than our own. Kidzone was an exercise in intentional, sacrificial love. Even now that the kids are gone and I have returned to a quieter life, I pray that the lesson of sacrifice stays with me.

That being said, I also want to throw out a caveat: How long can one serve at such a fever pitch without becoming burned out? What is the role of rest in this equation? I'm not going to try to evaluate that question now, but invite comments. :-)

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