A thought that has really been on my heart and mind a lot lately is: What does it mean to work in a distinctly redeemed way? If I weren't working in "full-time ministry," would anyone even know I was a Christian?
Part of this has come as a result of the burnout and seeking to return to healthy patterns, rather than just getting pulled by what feels most urgent in the moment. I also feel a great responsibility to have a healthy relationship with work, as I know that will trickle down to the rest of the team that I am currently leading.
I have also been blessed to be a part of a Bible study at my church, in which we are studying Trabajo y Redencion ("Work Matters"), by Tom Nelson. It has been such a thought-provoking study, especially as I find myself doing work that is Christian in it's content (Bible studies, discipleship, worship, etc.), but can easily be done in a way that does not reflect Christ!
Do I seek the Lord in prayer for decisions and burdens, or do I just stress about them? Do I gossip about others in the ministry or do I pray with and for them? To my words bring life or death?
Do I put projects above people and efficiency over blessing others?
Do I care about nurturing people's understanding of Christ and themselves in Him? Or am I more results driven and focused on their outward behavioral change?
Especially as I am coming out of a period of burnout, I find myself trying to protect myself from drowning again in needs and tasks.
How much of my responses are selfish and defensive, and how much are made in faith? Are my boundaries healthy and God-honoring?
Do I have healthy patterns of work and rest? Am I resting sufficiently at night, and am I observing the Sabbath? Or am I resting too much (laziness and self-indulgence) or am I working too much (self-imposed slavery).
Can I say both "yes" and "no" in faith?
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