I think that one of my biggest struggles with finding peace is when I see it as a dichotomy between troubled circumstances on one side and peace on the other. If complete external security is what we need in order to have internal calm, then the peace of Christ isn't worth much. I often think of a story that I read many years ago about a painter who was competing with many other great artists to create a work that conveyed true peace. The winning work of art would be chosen by the king. The other artists created beautiful pastoral scenes, still waters, gorgeous sunsets. However, this particular man's artwork was unlike any of the rest. He drew a turbulent waterfall in the midst of stormy woods. The wind and rain in the scene could almost give the observer a chill. However in the focal point of the painting, there was a picture of true peace: A mother bird sat on her nest, covering her young with her wings. They were completely safe, even in the midst of a torrential storm.
I think that this is more the image that we should have in mind as we consider the peace of God. He gives us peace despite our circumstances, and in the midst of them. He protected His disciples in the midst of another storm where they thought that their boat would capsize (Matt.8). Jesus' words to the waves were "peace, be still." Though He may not change our circumstances every time, Christ remains fully trustworthy, and we may be at peace knowing that we are protected under His wings (Ps. 91:4)
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