Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Jonah: The Challenge

Having given a little bit of background as to the factors that were at work in the story of Jonah, here are two warnings and pitfalls that I have found to be especially relevant to missionaries. 
1. Sometimes as missionaries, it can be easy to love “plants” (comfort, status quo) more than people.  May God give us eyes to see His purpose in His mission… and may He also fill us with compassion for people.  I have heard the phrase “We are meant to love people and use things, not use people and love things.”  That is so true!  Jonah is a reminder of how quickly we can fall into that selfish, unloving cycle.  May God in His grace spare us from thinking like that!
2. It is possible to make an orthodox confession, and yet still be running from God.  When the sailors asked Jonah about the storm, who he was and who His god was, Jonah replied, “I am a Hebrew and I worship the Lord, the God of heaven, who made the sea and the land.” (Jonah 1:9)  He also gives a remarkable testimony in chapter 4, in the midst of actually complaining to God about His character: “I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity.”  (Jonah 4:2)  For all of these truths that Jonah possessed, though, it appears that deep down, He didn’t understand God.  May God spare us from saying all the right things, and then turning around and acting rebelliously!

Concluding Thoughts and Challenges:  Are you running from God in his call on your life?  He will have His way.  As we have seen in Jonah, God will be glorified, whether through our obedience or disobedience, our rise or fall.  This story should make us recognize God’s love and compassion that is way beyond what we extend to others or even understand.  May God shape us more into His character as we respond to His call on our lives!  May we see others as He sees them.  

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